reflect.rtype.String (method, view implemented interface methods)

18 uses

	reflect (current package)
		type.go#L541: func (t *rtype) String() string {
		type.go#L557: 		panic("reflect: Bits of non-arithmetic Type " + t.String())
		type.go#L669: 	s := t.String()
		type.go#L690: 		panic("reflect: ChanDir of non-chan type " + t.String())
		type.go#L714: 		panic("reflect: Field of non-struct type " + t.String())
		type.go#L722: 		panic("reflect: FieldByIndex of non-struct type " + t.String())
		type.go#L730: 		panic("reflect: FieldByName of non-struct type " + t.String())
		type.go#L738: 		panic("reflect: FieldByNameFunc of non-struct type " + t.String())
		type.go#L746: 		panic("reflect: Key of non-map type " + t.String())
		type.go#L754: 		panic("reflect: Len of non-array type " + t.String())
		type.go#L762: 		panic("reflect: NumField of non-struct type " + t.String())
		type.go#L770: 		panic("reflect: In of non-func type " + t.String())
		type.go#L778: 		panic("reflect: NumIn of non-func type " + t.String())
		type.go#L786: 		panic("reflect: NumOut of non-func type " + t.String())
		type.go#L794: 		panic("reflect: Out of non-func type " + t.String())
		type.go#L802: 		panic("reflect: IsVariadic of non-func type " + t.String())
		type.go#L1194: 	s := "*" + t.String()
		type.go#L1838: 	return toRType(t).String()